More or less. Got so much accomplished yesterday! Went to the bank, hit the grocery store, chopped veggies for cucumber-tomato salad, made hard boiled eggs, cut up a watermelon for yummy snacking, and worked on ATCs while watching "Order of the Phoenix".
Today is Internation Glitter Group Date. Around lunchtime, I'm going to don a very fun sundress, walk down to my local coffee shop and order a glass of wine. Bringing my art journal to doodle in. Then I have to run off to work - boo! But any extra cash is extra cash, right?
I'm in dire need of daytime girlfriends. It's hard working mostly nights and not having company. I love having my SSG girls more than anything, but a lunch date would be nice, or someone to come over and play art with me. Don't get me wrong, I love my schedule - the whole 9-5 thing has never really worked with me and drives me nutso. Just feeling a little lonely at times.