Wednesday, July 30, 2008

AC is Broken!

It's pumping out lukewarm air and smells funny! This makes cleaning the apartment very hard, as I'm too sweaty to do much of anything other than sit in front of the tv or read. Right now I'm reading "Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister" by Gregory Maguire, author of the aforementioned "Wicked". "Confessions" is the story of Cinderella, once again in PoliSci form. I haven't read it in years (I like to buy certian authors only in hardcover, Maguire is one of them). Once again, a book is taking up a lot of my free time - not that I'm complaining, if only I could get paid to read...!

Well, here is the freshly cleaned craft area! It doesn't look like this anymore, as I have been using it and there are paints and papers and stuff all over it. But it's MINE! And I love love love my $25 Salvation Army desk! The chair was found at a yard sale for about $5 over 10 years ago.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I made so many goals for this year, including blogging more. Then summer hit and with that comes so many things to do. And I've been painting so much more. But the camera took a dive (okay, I'm just actually too fucking lazy to go out and remember to buy batteries for the bugger). But, pre-battery death, I did manage to snap a shot of my latest, Prolouge, which (ha, no pun intended) was based on the opening sentence from the book "Wicked". The book, not the Broadway musical. I'm still trying to wrap my head on how they made a musical out of such a powerful book. Maybe I'll just have to suck it up and go see it. Hrm.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Back in the groove

More or less. Got so much accomplished yesterday! Went to the bank, hit the grocery store, chopped veggies for cucumber-tomato salad, made hard boiled eggs, cut up a watermelon for yummy snacking, and worked on ATCs while watching "Order of the Phoenix".

Today is Internation Glitter Group Date. Around lunchtime, I'm going to don a very fun sundress, walk down to my local coffee shop and order a glass of wine. Bringing my art journal to doodle in. Then I have to run off to work - boo! But any extra cash is extra cash, right?

I'm in dire need of daytime girlfriends. It's hard working mostly nights and not having company. I love having my SSG girls more than anything, but a lunch date would be nice, or someone to come over and play art with me. Don't get me wrong, I love my schedule - the whole 9-5 thing has never really worked with me and drives me nutso. Just feeling a little lonely at times.