Whee! Get tired after a day of shopping? Just jump on your brother's wheelchair and catch a lift!
Saw The Dark Knight too. Hrm. Not impressed. I mean, it was good and all, but after all the hype about it being so scary that Heath Ledger knocked himself off over it...I don't know. I'd kill myself over a part more like in Henry, Portriat of a Serial Killer, than the Joker. That sounds cold, I know, but I don't know the workings of HL's mind either. It was a good movie, true to the Frank Miller graphic novel, but I wasn't walking out of the theater thinking "OMG - greatest movie ever of the season!"

At a standstill with my artwork right now. Have no idea why. Think I kind of ran myself out with the Critter Swap I'm finishing up right now.
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