I tried really hard to write on Saturday, but no luck. I typed and typed and typed and everything sounded really awful. So, I took the weekend off.
P is on his 8th day in a row of working. Started a week ago today with helping out at the neighborhood bar cleaning for St. Pat's, working Tuesday and Wednesday there also, then training at "real job" on Thursday. He may have Thursday and Friday off this week. He complained a bit at first, but is starting to get over it. It's HARD to have 4 months off then start working so much so fast, right off the bat. It's going to happen to me next week, but I'm excited. I'm starting to realize that I have ONE WEEK to get my shit in order. I have ONE WEEK to finish up my spring cleaning and get my ducks in a row. Good. I work well under pressure.
Saturday was kind of a wash again too. Sunday, I woke up early and got going right away. First thing I did was post a bunch of clothes from my old dom days on craigslist that I had found while cleaning out the closet. I kept a few choice pieces for going out nights, but the rest had to go. Really. It killed me a bit to get rid of them. As a friend mentioned "Ah, Jackie, it's an end of an era". Yeah, it is. But that era ended a while ago when GZ dumped Bondage a Go Go on Thursday nights. And to be honest? Who wants to get smacked by a tired grumpy 40 something year old dom? She Who Shan't Be Named is lovely at it (and not quite as old as I am) and can pull it off. Me? I'm just falling into my lovely life of art and a regular old job. And, I don't look like that anymore. The little lines around my eyes (love them), the little extra chub around the waist (okay, not love, but like), but I still have the legs (hooray). I'm over the hours of makeup and hair. I'd probably break an ankle on those shoes (stone cold sober). Anyhow, only an hour after I posted the ad on CL, I got a response. It was a guy and to be honest, my first thought was Drag Queen. Awesome! I learned my best makeup tricks from them! After setting up a meeting place and time, when I first saw him, I was a little crushed. No WAY was this guy going to fit into my old clothes! He was a bit taller than I am, dressed in all black, eyeliner, the whole works. Maybe around my age. Big smile on his face. I relaxed. We hit it off right away and I took him to my porch were the clothes were. He loved the first half of the box and didn't bother looking at the rest. Just took the kit and caboodle. For asking price! No haggling - which I totally would have done. He was very sweet and kind and told me they were for the girl in the band he was in and their dancers. I didn't really need an explanation - who am I to judge? I'm friends with a guy who likes me to dance on his chest while he's lying on his back. People everywhere have their own things that they are into. As long as it doesn't hurt me or my community or cause harm to others, let be. We both left happy and I think I made a new friend. Which is the best payment ever.
Today, woke up super late. 9:30 am! I felt like such a slug. Started working on dishes and sewing up the patches in P's Chewbacca Blanket (don't ask) that he's had for 34 years. I think this may finally be the week that I get to wash it or at least run it through the dryer with a freshener sheet. Love him, hate his bankie.
Tomorrow is the big day of getting my act together and finishing off the apartment and keeping it clean. Barb, if you are reading this, send good luck vibes! I will not have as much time once I start working full time, and on the benefit, and Art A Whirl!
Oh. My.
One Week! Holy CRAP!! Don't forget you can always call/text me if ya need to.
And YAY I'm glad Craigslist guy wasn't super-creepy or a jerk. Whew. He sounds pretty nice.
blankie owner/lover here :-)
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