Saturday, March 28, 2009

Let's Try This Again


Started blathering about what I'm doing to control the pre-work butterflies. Today, I colored my hair (which made it a lot darker than what I wanted, but oh well). Tomorrow is the big scrub/loofah/sort of spring cleaning for the bod day (pedicure included). Monday is gather all acceptable work clothes and get them in one spot to be easily found. Make sure they are all darned, cat fur free, neat and tidy with matching undies/hose available nearby also.

Met up with Hank briefly this afternoon and he gave me leg parts for the auction. Guess I'm going to try and "art them up". We'll see what happens. The one on the left is the upper thigh (which may be used as a "donation cup"), and the one on the right is the calf. No foot, as it got re-used for other legs that he's had. But, it's pretty cool and I'll see what I can do short of doing the much overdone "paint tattoos on the fake leg" crap. Especially since I am NOT a tattoo artist/painter. Maybe could fake it if I wanted, but nah.

Oh, almost totally forgot to pimp out my girlfriend Sarina! If you check out the last issue of Bust here and peek at page 53, you will see a full article on her and her artwork. Okay, she calls it art (and so do I), but my fellow MCAD alum really has a gift for the unusual. You can see her website Custom Creature Taxidermy and just realize how fun and exceptional it is. What I adore best about it, is the way she considers it respect for the dead, which I agree with completely.

By the way, screaming "SHUT THE FUCK UP" while you are in Barnes and Noble when you see a friends name on the cover of a magazine is a really good way to get asked to leave.

I ran really quick after buying it.

1 comment:

ladyjanewriter said...

*cackling like a maniac*

Hee, sort of like when I was standing on top of that building in DC during the inauguration and yelling to you on the my cellphone how I could see the F*CKING Lincoln Memorial! and the F*CKING Capital! and the GODDAMN F*CKING crowd!!! and...Aunt M. came over to stifle me right away.

And then I noticed how many families with kids were on the roof with us. OOOPS.

What're they gonna do with us when we're in the nursing home and on serious meds? ;-)