I had my first day at work today. Seems to be easy and pleasant enough. Honestly, I am a bit cranked at myself, as I didn't get up at 5:30 am like I had planned. First day jitters, so I didn't really crash out until nearly midnight. Woke up at 6. Not good, as my bus comes at 7:20 and it usually takes me about 45 minutes to get ready. I KNEW zazen was not in the works, but that 1/2 hour that I can get to just chill with my morning coffee and the news (Boo - no Today Show crew for me), and a bagel really calms my mind. I only had about 10 minutes of that, then had to work with the ducks. What is with my damn ducks never being rowed? Washed up, did my hair (what a waste of time that was - thought I was being clever and all, putting my lovely styled hair up under a hat to protect it from the rain - what a mess), got dressed and ran out the door. Had a few minutes to kill, so called LadyJane and chatted with her until the bus showed up.
Long story short...
Basically spent the entire day eavesdropping on A, who I was assigned to. Super fun cute girl probably in her late 20's. Verbal Vomiting almost occured when one of the supervisors came by and asked if I was Louise. The reply that ALMOST came out of my mouth was "No, but for twenty bucks you can call me Daisy if you want to...". I stopped at BUT. Must remember that I am not working in a BAR.
Also, parking my ass in a chair for 8 hours hurts my poor poor back. When I am able to, I'm going to start sitting cross-legged or lotus, as plain old sitting in those damn chairs hurts!!!
That's about it for now, there is a lot more, but dinner is ready and I'm beat. Law and Order SVU is on in 10 also. Should be crashed out by 10:30 at this rate... 5:30, here I come again!
LJ, may call you while waiting for bus again. I'd call Knitty, but I'm sure at 7 am, she has her hands full with Mag and getting ready for work...
ETA: Todays word of the day was en masse. I believe that my blog readers and myself agree en masse that Learner's Word of the Day is kind of bullshit.
1 comment:
Now, see, that "call me Daisy" line is why I love you. Maybe I should stick to working for non-profits. :0)
Don't forget to flex and point your toes, or stand up and do some moderate knee bends when nobody's looking, or get up and walk around a bit...it's not an "old" thing, it's a "humans aren't supposed to sit that long" thing.
And that duckie pic is too true. Hee.
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