Okay, from now on, you shall know the word/s of the day/s as I shall just put them in bold. I may have to do catch up, as I'm not able to blog every day... If you cannot figure out the meaning by the way I use them in a sentence, LOOK THEM UP, you silly lazy people!
Today was my first Friday at work. In the past, Fridays were very much more my Mondays. It's completely awkward for me to have a regular 9-5 type job after all these years. It's still going to be strange when my hours change to 1 - 9:30. What an odd adjustment from my 20 year (mostly) habit of working 4 - barclose. 1 - 9:30 means I can sleep in AND go out (if I so wish). The sad thing is I miss the prime time tv that I so have learned to love. Which is fine, as less tv equals more home type stuff I can do.
When I started here, I honestly thought I was going to be "old lady bartender" on training. What I have learned is that I have many coetaneous co-workers, even though I'm still the rogue bartender. Even better, today's training for what our jobs are going to be on Monday were very pellucid. Because of a few things going on, we are to be message takers and are expected to handle a huge amount of calls. I kind of giggled to myself at that and someone said to me, "Oh, you have NO IDEA of how many calls come in that you are going to have to take"! I laughed outright at that and asked them if they had ever worked a blizzard Friday night or a Monday Night Football night at a pizza delivery place. He answered no, and I just had to cackle. You want diplomacy and patience with upset ppl on the job, honey, I GOT IT DOWN. Esp since I believe that many of the ppl that I will be talking to will not be hammered trying to get me to put pepperoni on two slices of their pizza and get it to them in 10 minutes. This is going to be cake. Watch this statement bite me on the ass.... I'm terribly excited for this new challenge. Bring. It. On. (okay, obviously I'm making a statement there, you don't have to look that up...)
Duties for the weekend:
2. Re-vamp clothes for work that need sewing fixes
3. Finalize grocery list - P is going for a major shopping for us on Monday BY HIMSELF, and as much as I love him, for the past 7 years, I've been doing it for both of us and I don't want him to mess this up.
4. Work more on the Hank's bennie. LJ, I got the aprons and they are GREAT! I'm setting starting bids at $20 with $5 increases. I kind of have a hard on for the Heart one...I'm going to have to bid on it myself!!!! Originally I was wanting the "eat me" one, but I need the pocket, and well, to be honest, I think that one is going to bring in a ton of bids!
Today's Verbal Vomit: In the training for what we have to do Monday, one of my co-trainee's asked if anyone was sitting in the open chair next to me. I answered "Only you...Sailor". Luckily, that drew laughs, rather than a reprimand, or (shudder) silence.
1 comment:
Holy crap, I had to look up both words. Which is funny, because I'm the one who's loquacious, pleontastic, and prolix. (OK, I cheated and found the last two "big words" on thesaurus.com...)
And, YAY I knew you'd love the aprons! I didn't add a pocket to the first one, because 1) I hadn't quite figured out pockets yet, and 2) I figured the fabric was a bit too non-sturdy to hold up a pocket that's jammed with stuff.
I'm so glad I took my time with the red heart one...if that one is auctioned off, I actually think I have enough materials to duplicate it. ;-)
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