And that's okay, especially with summer coming up! And most importantly, Ladyjanewriter coming up in 2 weeks to visit!
Once again, I've overbooked myself and have to cut a few things out of my weekend. I feel bad about it, but today there is still laundry to be done and a chicken to bake... The chicken will be interesting, as I am not a big chicken cooking person. The extent of my talent there lies in cutting up a breast and stirfry-ing it. I have no choice, as it's been defrosting for 2 days and needs to be done TODAY. P is at work, and told me I'll be fine, so what the hell? I'm also craving chicken salad again, so this is perfect. Need to do the dishes also and finish up paintings for Art a Whirl. I'd like to finish up one more before, but doing the ending stuff on the 3 completed is much more important. It's not a lot of work, it's just the matter of getting my ass in gear to do it. Laundry is really important today too. Really freaking important! 2 loads at least. I'm getting smelly. ;)
The job is still going well. It's a little nerve wracking learning all this stuff, but I think I'm doing fine. At least my supervisors say so to my face... Let's hope they aren't blowing smoke up my, er, in my ear.
Been having really weird dreams lately. I wake up feeling confused and unnerved. I have no idea why this is. Usually my dreams are kind of funny or I don't remember them. Lately they have been powerful, but I can't remember details. I mean, for heaven's sake, if I'm going to have them affect me in a weird way, the least my mind could do is remember them so I can hash them out. How rude.

Dad's deathaversary came and went without any major hitches other than a mild case of the blues. On the "big day", I had saurkraut, pierogies, and kielbasa for dinner, and after work, I had a bump of Jim Beam in honor. The photo you see is from Christmas at his sister's (my late Auntie Joan's) house, obviously sometime in the 80's. I'm guessing I'm thinking maybe 1984? I don't remember my hair being that light in that era, but obviously it was!
ETA: Looking at this photo closer, I remembered I colored my hair light around 1987. And that's not dirt over Auntie Joan's walls, the photo got messed up over the years! That's my little bro next to me. May just have to run across the street and have a bump for Dad again when I'm done with this. I need quarters anyhoo for laundry! Eight years later and I swear I talk to him more now than I did when he was alive. That is a serious regret of mine, but I think he knows it and still likes our conversations. One of the best things that I remember was when I was little and he was installing my love of crosswords into me, he'd always tell me that doing the crossword in pencil was "cheating". Because you could go back and change your answer. He told me that if you were going to commit to an answer, you had to do it for real and that there were no takebacks. And using the pencil eraser eventually ruined the newspaper and you dug holes in the puzzle. If you think about it, it is a good analogy for life too.
That's all I have for today. Hopefully, I'll post more this week!
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