Gar, woke up at the crack of 8 am today. Was SO looking forward to waking up around, oh, say 10ish. No such luck. Beautiful thing is, since I have the "day off", I have the luxury of taking a nap later. Which I may do after I finish blogging.
Yesterday was great. I accomplished a lot. Mom picked me up at 11:30 and we went to the Farmer's Market. She was in full on FLIRT mode with the men behind the counters - it was super cute. Bumped into a gal from her church who had a booth supporting urban farming - keeping chickens and even a goat in your backyard. I love the idea, but as we have no backyard, I'm keeping that on the back burner. Sampled caramels, MN cheeses and chocolates, looked at super cute baby clothes made from organic cottons (I WANT A SERGER)and listened to great music. After that, I took her out for her Mother's Day brunch at The Modern Cafe. I had an egg and hashbrowns and she had gigantic pancakes. Then, I got to "thrift shop" through a bunch of clothes that she brought for me. Scored some good stuff for work. I have to admit, my mom does have good taste in "grown up type work" clothes.
She dropped me off and I took my Saturday nap. Got up, did all the dishes, finished up my paintings for Art A Whirl, finished up my skirt for the Southern Culture on the Skids concert, and made the grocery list for today.
Today shall consist of hopefully a load of laundry, going to the grocery store, cooking off a chicken, baking cookies (choc choc chip?), and getting clothes for my work week together. Time off my ass. Still struggling with the whole work week/personal life balance since I work 1 pm to 9:30 pm now. It's terribly awkward. I can do Target runs on my way to work (my bus runs right by Target downtown) so I can do kind of little stuff like that. On Saturdays that P has to work, I can do little grocery store runs with my shopping bag (that gets heavy tho - must buy cart still), but I like to save those days for artsy stuff that I can do when he isn't around.
Enough of this for now. I'm off to rip seams out of a pair of jeans and probably take a nap before I wake up P and go to the grocery store...
Oh, and am I and LadyJaneWriter the only people who read my silly blog?
ETA: I am now link unchallenged!
Possibly? But, I'm linked to you and am pimping my own blog everywhere, so who knows.
Also, when I talk to ppl on ThreadBanger, I'm surprised that ppl are actually reading my blog - not everyone has time to post comments, or set up an account to post comments.
If you give your blog a little nudge on G*, like say, post a project, and say "More info on my blog! Link here!" and post it back to the original blog post, that makes people more aware/excited about your blog.
It's a really non-time-consuming way to pimp your blog. And you get to save your fingers b/c you're not re-typing the same info on G*, or fiddling with cut-copy-pasting the whole post and putting it over on the G* boards.
It's seriously WAY easier than you think, sweetie, and less of a hassle in the long run. :0)
Happy Mother's day to your mom! She does indeed have EXCELLENT taste in tailored clothes. Thank gawd you are the same size/build.
OMG I'm finally getting excited for AAW! I've been caught up in other worries, but now I'm kinda getting excited, WOO!
I read your blog! You are on my google reader. I just never comment.
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