Got laid off yesterday. Spent the day on the couch watching my court shows and napping. That's how I deal with stress, so whatever.
Have already applied for unemployment, sent out 5 resumes, touched base with old contacts and drank my coffee. Supposed to go to a friend's open house today, but P's still crashed out, so I don't think that that's going to happen.
The stress of all of this is taking it's toll. I'm going to really buckle down and work on the damn wait aprons again and really start pushing them. Seems like my only option right now. We're behind on everything and lord knows, as much as I love my in-laws, moving in with them would just be bilious.
This would all be easier if I could just get my eye surgery over and done with. I can't drive, so I'm at the mercy of our bus system, which doesn't totally suck, but could be better. I have to figure out a way to keep my insurance with the temp agency. I told them throw me ANYTHING ASAP. So what if I'm making $12 an hour? It's better than nothing! Did apply at Barnes and Nobel, they need a store manager, which would ROCK. I'd be in heaven. Also applied at Origins at MOA - location sucky, but the job would be fun. Have a friend who works there, so that may be an "in". Contacted my old mentor at CK and asked her to keep her ears open and that I was willing to relocate to Milwaukee. Sent off an email to a gal I met at the benefit for Hank who works in PR too. Need just now to keep sewing and working on a huge painting for a friend's restaurant that's opening next month. I think I can afford primer for the wood.
I'm trying to get over this melancholic mood I'm in. It's difficult. I miss being the old sanguine gal that I usually am. Can you tell that I'm so trying to catch up with Word of the Day? I'm tired of feeling phlegmatic. Time to get with the program again. Ducks, watch out!
*hugs* And you rock, herding them duckies!
*tosses breadcrumbs to duckies as incentive*
is it wrong of me to hope you relocate to Milwaukee? :-)
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