Cleaning out David's apartment was.......interesting. It's one thing to clean out your father's apartment, but another to clean out a friends. David's sister and her husband were there and were very generous. We got all of his records which are to be ebay'd off and the money donated. P and I got his DVD/VCR player, and also a Star Wars coin that we carry with us at the bar, so he's there with us. Is that really weird? Maybe, but whatever. We also really clicked with his BIL, who works in serious rock merch, and are invited to see U2 next time he's in town (which is next month). How sad is it that we made new friends through his death - or maybe that was the grand plan? I don't know. It's too deep for me this morning.
Blew off some steam and went and saw SCOTS last week. WOW. I know I harp on my love of Mary Huff, but who wouldn't? As usual, she got me onstage to dance, but this time, made me sing too. Erf.

Tried to get my cataract surgery bumped up, but no dice. One more month of being blind. Oh well. Also, our food stamps were cut off, but called and told them my hours are being cut (GAR - that's another story). I'm so frustrated with my job.
Keelhaul is playing this Saturday, so it looks like we'll have houseguests. Time to clean again. The short guy in the pic (second from right) is Will Scharf - one of P's best friends. He was also our host when we went to Cleveland 4 years ago. I'm excited to see him! Not a fan of the music, but love him.
Also have to get information on Brad Warner coming to Minnesota in early August. Chrissy and I will be attending, but not staying at the Zen Center, as, well, we're making a mini vacation out of this. So, a hotel stay and drinks would be involved. I'm nearing the end of his second book Sit Down and Shut Up, which is freaking smart and any good "alt kid's" guide to understanding Buddhisim.
I miss LJ already and need another trip to the museum. Maybe I'll do that this weekend and document it.
Made a super awesome superhero cape for my neice for her 4th birthday. Me not being so super awesome forgot to take a picture of it. Will contact brother and insist. She was a little hyper on sugar to wear it for more than 3 seconds.
Work (hopefully for more than 4 hours)
Clean coffee table
OH, I did insist on a splurge giftie for me yesterday. I got the new "Stilletto" mascara. Will write review. Whoo - it was on sale (and, Knitty, I needed mascara and was willing to pay full price)!
1 comment:
Aw! I freaking miss you too! *hugs* How awesome that you get to hang with Chrissy tho, and geek out on Brad Warner Buddhist-y goodness!
xoxo Miss You!
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