It really has been a month A FREAKING MONTH since I've posted. I'm ashamed. I have kept meaning to, but the muse wasn't hanging around the puter. Don't know where she went - maybe lost in the Room of Doom? Betcha. Must clean out RoD this weekend and see if I can't find her.
I have been spending a significant amount of time at my mom's. She had HER cataract surgery done and then some weird sort of gastro-intestinal thing, so that was 4 weeks of 3 days a week at her place making sure she didn't do anything stupid while on the loopy juice.
P and I had our 4th annual Labor Day BBQ this past Sunday. Nice and small, but fun. I actually managed to clean most of the house, except for the bedroom and RoD.
Menu as follows:
The World Famous Spinach Orzo Salad
Mashed Cauliflower (except I omitted the instant mashed taters - ew)
Various Cheese and Crackers
Filo Cups with Brie and a Cranberry on top (cube of brie in the cup, bake 10 min @ 350, top with cranberry or two from a can - NOT the jelly)
Filo Cups with Crab Goo recipie from my MIL
Portobella Mushrooms sliced up and marinated in olive oil, balsamic vinegar, garlic and salt and pepper then chucked on the grill
Elk meat NOM
Corn, Brats, and burgers
It was a hell of a spread, if I do say so myself. Oh, P DID do the grilling... ;)
What else has been going on? Summer was a total bust, didn't hit The Fair or a single Saints game due to no money. Will prolly have to bail on RenFest too. Oh well.
P DID get a job! Hired Tuesday and starts in two weeks. Let's hope all is good and it sticks, cause I can't take more of this. Fingers crossed for me, I'm still sending out 5 resumes a day and STILL NO BITES. Which, of course, bites.
Tomorrow is my last appt with The Good Doctor. I'm very sad. Meeting up with him and his staff every week was the highlight of my weeks over the summer. It was just nice to get out of the house, dress up a little (hey, I'm going downtown with the big kids who have jobs, I don't want to look like a total slug!), and spend time in the bookstore while waiting for the bus. Currently, I have rhubarb bars in the oven, have Balsamic Vinegar Fudge Cookies cooling, and making a card for TGD's staff. They have been so lovely to me and seriously, they all deserve a huge thank you. Must remember to write down ingredients in case of allergies.
Next up is a Roasted Garlic Chicken that I'll be making. Shit. We can barely afford rent and the bills, but they give us plenty for food, so we shall eat like kings before being thrown on the streets. Just Kidding, did I mention that P's employed? Right now, he's playing a show at Big V's. I stayed home because between being with my mom for over 48 hours a week and then P and I together the rest of the week, I get no ME time. So here I am, blogging away happily.
Also hitting up a few more jobbie job prospects tomorrow after eye appt. Shoot, who knew that being unemployed would be so BUSY?
1 comment:
1) We NEED to catch up! I'm so sorry I missed chat last week! I'm a dork and overslept.
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