Much better today - last week was kind of an emotional disaster. Nuff said.
Still waiting on the arrival of the new phone. For anyone reading this who doesn't know, my Razr took a dump last week and P ordered a new one for me online. It's taking forever to get! Should arrive today. I hope it's pink... :)
Thinking about Xmas cards and little gifties. My goal is to not spend a lot. I'm thinking the boys get gift cards, the girls get expensive chocolates, and the neices get...that's a hard one. Art supplies! There we go. List done. Whew. Okay, the youngest neice won't get art supplies (she's 7 months old). I'll find a cute toy somewhere. Now list is done.
Other than Snowflake, but I have all day Saturday off to play with that! Have some plans in the works.
Had a gal in that doing a blog called My Year of Waiters where she talks to and photographs the servers that wait on her. It's really cute and I'm the most recent. How fun is that?
Also, The Anchor was featured on The City Pages (our local weekly rag) slideshow and my painting was in there! Hooray! No credit tho, but I can live with that.
There is something really wrong with my left knee. I thought it was due to an old knee problem, but it seems now to be behind the knee itself. I can't straighten it out without pain. Not screaming "get me a Vicoden" pain, but really uncomfortable pain, and it makes me limp a little. Bleah. Will stretch before work and see if that helps...
Ack. I wonder if you have baker's knee or whatever the hell they call it. Josh had that.
And YAY to your painting bein in the paper!
Dija want me to make the baby a squirrelly baby toy? :-)
Oh, and - Hey, is Pic 13 in the slideshow a pic of you from behind? The boots seem very Jackie-ish. :0)
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