Ah, I love Miss Jenny-Pants. This was taken at the Anchor Holiday party 2 weeks ago and I love love love this pic. See the little anchor on my shoulder? I'm branded now and they can never fire me. Says me.
Where to start? Brett got out of the hospital, and is doing better. He has this new fancy wheelchair now that's electric and buzzes him around. Problem is, it has to be recharged like a cell phone all the fucking time. We had Christmas at his place last Monday and it was wonderful. I made lasagna, mom brought salad and bread and it was a great feast. Finally got my copy of Nightmare Before Christmas, Brett and Lynda got me an awesome vintage looking sweater, mom went all out and got us a Shark vacuum thing and me some Red Door. P got new chefs pants and a sweet sweet cowboy shirt that I will steal if he doesn't wear it.
Mugger boy had his day in court on Wednesday. They dropped the charge against me because he pled guilty to a terrorist thing. Seems he threatened his sister with a gun then beat the shit out of her. I didn't go to the hearing, and my helper-outer at the Gov't Dept said it was probably good, as he's a freaking sociopath. Denied everything while pleading guilty and being all pretty and charming. Ew. He's in inpaitent counselling for 6 months to a year and on probation until he's 21. If he messes up in that time, he gets to go to big boy jail. He also has til he's 21 to (shoot, I can't think of the proper word) pay me back the $250 that I'm out of because of the stuff in my purse and missed work. Yeah, I'll be holding my breath on that one.
Went out dancing last night for the first time in over a year. It was great. Hung out with my friend Ron a lot and danced on him. Saw a bunch of ppl that I miss a lot and was terribly happy.
Things are good. Not great yet, but good.
1 comment:
Awe, I wish I could go out dancing with you (not on you, heh).
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