My girlfriend Cheryl and her boyfriend picked me up at 8:30 am. She had called me on Friday night, reminding me that I was to be her date for Valentine's Day and attend the KnitOut at the Mall of America. After riding the light rail down to the Mall, we sat and had coffee and scones and planned our day. Cheryl's boyfriend left to go prepare a special dinner for her later, and we were off. I knew I was looking for Kneesocky from Glitter, and only had a vague idea of what she looked like. Unfortunately, most of the KnitOut was spent standing in line. The most disappointing was about a 45 minute wait in the Lion Brand line, only to discover the only thing they were handing out were the super sized tote bags that they gave you WHILE standing in line! Clover was giving away knit lites! Size 15 and this crazy lime green color. I have the 10 1/2s in pink and while I adore them, they are a bit slickery. Who am I to say no to free needles though? The coup though was the Patons line. An hour wait. Cheryl and I spent our time chatting with a couple of women ahead of us and a really nice guy, "Eddie, the Juggling Magician", who held his wife's place while she ran around a bit. Now THAT is a Valentine's Day gift of true love. This is also where I finally found Kneesocky. Patons was our last attempt of the day, due to exhaustion and the subtle torture of the line mostly being in front of The Rainforest Cafe. Between the recorded monkey screeches, the peppy music, and the walking frog mascot (which I found terrifying and did NOT want him out of my sight), I really thought I was going to lose it. Being hot and sweaty, I had taken off my jacket and hoodie and pushed up my sleeves, revealing my Jack Skellington knitting tattoo. The first gal behind the counter noticed it and said "OH! I have a skully knitting tattoo too!" and showed us the one on her upper back. I recognized it from the message board we had met on and squealed - I had found Kneesocky! Jumping up and down and hugging proceeded. She promised to meet me later in downtown Mpls. We grabbed the best schwagbag ever (3 skeins of yarn, books and books of patterns and a crochet hook) and Cheryl and I were off. Parked our asses at one of the restaurants and had a few drinks with lunch.

Today's list:
*Living room. NO EXCUSES.
*Go pick up P's receiver from old job w/o any drama
*Knitting during prime time
OMG, that sounds fun but SO exhausting. And YAY Kneesocky!!! I love you you recognized her by the ink - LOL
Thanks, P, for playing chauffeur.
Thanks for joining my challenge. I see you're already started. I will add your link to my sidebar. (SBA)
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