It's been, what? Two weeks since I've posted? The benefit for Hank really chewed up a lot more time than I thought it would. Seriously, I was originally thinking a few bands, a few fun people, and a nice time. It became this amazing (and luckily undercontrol) huge monster event! I have no idea exactly what the head count was, but Grumpy's NE was wall to wall and that included the back patio. There was grilling, live music from Baby Grant Johnson, Little Irvy (the hub's band) and Kruddler. A silent auction (yay for LJ for the aprons that sold for $40 each), a raffle for a stunning boot sculpture by local artist Aldo, and people throwing money everywhere!

We raised enough money not only for the downpayment on his new leg, but also enough to pay off the leg that was being replaced. Hank had been paying off the credit card still for the 10 year old yuck leg at a gross interest rate. But that's all over now, he's starting from scratch, free and clear!

That's Hank and me with the boot sculpture. To look at all the amazing photographs that Michal Daniel took of the event, go here!
What else? The job is still going well. P is well. I'm holding tight with everything, except I did bail out of work today due to coming down with a little something. Not sure what, could be sheer exhaustion. When I got home from my 20 minutes at work, I crashed out fully and awoke about 5 hours later. Still a little wonky, but better. So much still going on. Guess I'm having a little bit of "being grown up" blues and kind of wishing to be a kid again for a week. Hopefully, I'll be able to do that sometime soon. As in vacation... Someday.....