Saturday, November 15, 2008


I've had a bad case of the burps for a few days now! I'm guessing it's a little bit of work stress and a lot to do with my first craft show in years. I've been busting my ass making aprons and so very excited (and terrified) for this show. I love them, and wear mine to work all the time. I'm also hoping to bust out "tails" for the aprons. Little washcloth sized squares with a ribbon hook that you can loop onto the apron string and have at your side or backside to wipe your wet fingers on. Luckily, I'm going to spend Monday night at Momsters and she said she would help me out!!!

Next step...etsy. OH - and my girlfriend in Chicago said she'd take my business cards down to her favorite watering holes to pimp my goods! I really think I'm onto something here... Wish me luck!

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