Friday, January 30, 2009

3 Things

Ladyjanewriter came up with this brilliant idea, but since I'm an oaf and a lazy ass, I shall downsize it.

3 Things That Need To Get Done Today:

You list 3 things that you should do, but don't really want to do and just freaking do them. Watching "The Martha Stewart Show" does NOT count. And, we're off:

1. Clean off the damn coffee table
2. Clean art supplies off kitchen table and put where they belong, not in a rubbish pile in the craft room.
3. Get thee to Ruby Tuesday's to apply for server job. I know it's not the dream job, but it will bring money in.

Okay, I'm actually going to go LJW one further. I'm making a list of 3 things I need to do EVERYDAY. I'm freaking unemployed, so I have no excuse of being "too busy watching Martha or Tyra".

1. Work on aprons
2. Paint/work on art journal
3. Meditate and a few yoga stretches.

Okay, right now I'm chatting with friends online and doing this blog, but I'm setting a time limit. At noon, I shall eat lunch, clean coffee table, do art journal, shower, hit Ruby's, and then work on aprons. I'm going to try my damndist to do it all, but we'll see...

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