Thursday, March 19, 2009

Blogger's Block?

Gar. Kind of weirded out today. It's really rather strange having the internet back. Actually, it reminds me of being in my early 20's when I HAD to go out 5-6 nights a week to the local dance club. Because if you didn't go out AT LEAST that often, you may miss something really important. A great after hours party, meeting the perfect guy, the best dance tracks all back to back, whatever. So, I stopped going out so often. Guess what? My quality of life did not crumble into ashes. It's the same with the net. When I was without it, I was certain that I was missing out on something exciting that would make my life great. The only thing I was truly missing was wasting my time in front of the screen. Oh, and looking for jobs, but there are ways around that. I guess it's just a weird thing that I end up focusing my bad habits on.

But, on the other hand, I do have to admit that it's nice to chat with my girlfriends, check email, and read my friend's blogs again. Whenever I want to - unless the hub is asleep on the couch. Hee. Why can't he crawl into bed like a normal person?

Speaking of the hub, right now he is NOT asleep on the couch. He is at his first training day of work. I'm thrilled about this. Not only is he working again, he is out of the house. I love him to death. I really do! But, with both of us being unemployed and broke, we ended up spending way too much time together and just getting in each other's hair and under each other's skin. Honestly, I'm surprised murder didn't occur in the last 3 months. I've never been able to grasp how some couples can not only be married/in a significant living together relationship AND go to work together. I really like my ME time. It isn't always enough to hole up in the craft room. Long walks alone help, but since I hate being cold, they weren't really feasible until recently. Maybe it's selfish, but I'm sure he likes time outs from me too!

Stuff for today:
*Make grocery list
*Hit grocery store (don't know if the food stamps "roll over" into next month and don't want to waste them)
*Attempt to return to work on the craft room aka room o' doom.

Recently found out that my good pal Hank needs a new leg. P and I are organizing a benefit to help raise money for the $750 downpayment he needs to make by the end of next month. There will be music, donations at the door, and a silent auction. If anyone wants to donate a piece of artwork for the cause, please let me know.

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