Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Note to Self:

How do ppl who have normal 9-5 jobs do it? Working in the service industry for 20 years busted my ass on working Monday through Friday and now I try and cram everything I have to do into two lousy days off? Must figure out how to not spread myself thin and whoop my own ass.

Maybe get up later and go to bed later? But doing chores at 10:30 pm seems so wrong! I cannot wield this burden like this! I feel like my own personal misogynist, trying to do the domestic thing AND M-F job. No wonder Dolly Parton snapped in the movie "9-5"...

(playing catch up with word of the day...)

1 comment:

ladyjanewriter said...

And now you know why I broke up with the ex. Even tough broads like us just can't do it all!

Calgon, take me awaaaaayyyy!

xoxo smooches, don't over-extend yourself!