Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Good Things

I'm only typing good stuff today, as I'm tired of being dreary. The rain hasn't been helping my blue mood, but I'm gonna make my own sunshine, dammit!

1. The Stiletto mascara is GREAT. I usually wear Great Lash (waterproof, as my eyes water a lot and now that I'm older, I cake on the undereye moisturizer), but still got the little racoon smudgies. This (and not being waterproof) did no such thing and made my lashes huge(er). I usually call bullshit on this sort of hype, but I love this stuff. On sale at Target right now, BTW.

2. My girlfriend Kari is in town and we're set up for brunch on Sunday at The Tasting Room. I'm very excited to see her pretty face and catch up. Why do all my girlfriends live so far awaaaaaaaaaay? Wait, that's not a good thing, so onward.

3. I've been asked to custom make wait aprons for a new restaurant opening next month. Must get ass to Crafty Planet to get fabric samples.

4. I got a giftie in the mail from LJ yesterday! You're going to have to pry the Simplicity Sewing Simply book out of my cold dead hands. I read it on the bus!

5. My girlfriend Larisa's mom is coming to town in a week. I love this woman and am looking forward to seeing her again! She's more like a girlfriend than a girlfriend's mom.

Five is a good number right off the top of my head, so I'll stop now.


Anonymous said...

Hey sister what new restaurant are you making aprons for?

ladyjanewriter said...

Hurray! I hope you understand that book way better than I do! I am the worst at understanding 2-D. drawings and mentally converting them to 3-D. Maybe your artist's brain can figure out the line drawings better than I can.

Adie Kay said...

russ - The Anchor on 3rd and 13th over NE by Erte. Who are you?