Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bit of a Throbber Today

Didn't post yesterday as for some reason I woke up with a Black Cloud. Nothing, NOTHING could get rid of it. Not Zazen, not the 1 1/2 hours cleaning my craft room, not a fine, fine dinner with the hub watching a good movie. So, I did something that was pretty out of the ordinary for me. Being as the hub and I are on a super strict budget lately (rah, unemployment!), I try to not spend any money on stuff that isn't necessary. Yesterday I broke that rule. I bought a small bottle of gin and some tonic water. Guess I was figuring that if that damn Black Cloud was not going away, I'd have a little party with it. Something to the effect of "Hey, Black Cloud! How YOU doin'? Not going away? FINE, let's get it ON!" I didn't get hammered by any means, but got tipsy enough for that damn Cloud to get bigger. This is actually the reason I quit drinking more than a glass of wine or have a few beers during a baseball game in the first place.

Lesson re-learned, and I'm thanking the powers that be for coffee and dark chocolate again. See, what is horrid about it isn't that I woke up with a little bangover - that's no biggie. The most awful part is that I woke up with a super huge craving for a Bloody Mary. Sure, feed that demon again. Then the monster gets bigger. Luckily, the monster is kind of silly looking now and not half as intimidating as it used to be, so I can pick up my baseball bat and smack it back into its corner again. Silly Monster.


Brad Warner got a big shout out in Scene Magazine from Cleveland. Must call Scharf and have him mail me a copy.

Barb is having a spring cleaning/decluttering contest!

Today, going to declutter all the damn CDs we don't listen to and taking them to Cheapo for some extra cash.

P talked to the landlord yesterday and our super fantastic landlord is giving him some work. Not a lot, but a little something something to help us along. We really did strike gold when we rented this lovely little spot. Now, if I can make it LOOK as lovely as it is...

Once again, if you read this, you must care at least a little about me. Therefore, please sign up at Do No Harm.

This picture that Janice took of me at Art A Whirl last year always makes me happy. Good start to destroying that Black Cloud today!


ladyjanewriter said...

I think you and I had the same black cloud. Stupid vanilla vodka, tasting so damn yummy.

lv2scpbk said...

Hey that's a good idea about cleaning out the CD's. I don't think I have that one down on my decluttering list to do. Will write it in now.