Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Thank You LJ

“I look forward with horror to utter darkness,” Cassatt wrote in 1919, fearing that an operation on her left eye would be “as great a failure as the last one.” It was, and she stopped painting.

This small comment from your NY Times story (which I LOVE), really hit home. Once again, I thank you for everything that you are doing for me now, but for everything that you do. You and Knitty and Alex have really come through for me in ways that I never imagined.

I think I've sewn my last project last night - DANGER! lol. But the painting will continue. I refuse this BS to stop me, and like the article mentioned, I feel that this will be a part of the record of my life.

Had a job interview today which I think went well and they know all about the eyes and are looking to hire in August, when my surgery will be done. Vibes, for that too, please!

1 comment:

ladyjanewriter said...

Oh, you're welcome, sweetie! I think Alex deserves tons of credit. I wasn't bold enough to get it started.


*does a Job Gettin' Dance! Kinda like a rain dance*